Finding Hope After Loss gave us a sense of community and instantly made us feel like we were not alone. Hearing other parents’ stories and joining the support groups has allowed us to heal in ways we did not think were possible.
-Jay Ferrando, Facilitator & Board Member
What's New at HAL:
Compassionate Care Award
The purpose of the Hope After Loss Compassionate Care Award is to recognize and promote excellence in the care of families who have lost a pregnancy or infant. All healthcare providers in the state of Connecticut are eligible to be nominated by someone who has suffered a loss in the past three years.
Upcoming Support Groups
Free online community connections for bereaved parents; bringing together those who suffer a pregnancy and or/ infant loss. All support groups are ran by trained facilitators who are all bereaved parents themselves.
Click Learn more to read details for each group.
- 4月07日(月)ZOOM
- 4月10日(木)ZOOM link shared after RSVP
- 4月16日(水)ZOOM link shared after RSVP
- 4月21日(月)Tolland
- 4月21日(月)ZOOM link shared after RSVP
Hope After Loss at a Glance:
Nearly 1 in 4 pregnancies end in a loss and we know that losing a much-wanted pregnancy and or/ infant can feel like being plunged into darkness. Through the Hope After Loss community, we can help each other through our grief and find light and hope in our lives once more.

Statistics sourced from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2022